Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia Arvus Lighter
Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia Malcador Infernus
Horus Heresy - Solar Auxilia Valdor Tank Destroyer
The Old World - Empire of Man - Empire Archers
The Old World - Empire of Man - Empire Greatswords
The Old World - Empire of Man - Flagellants
The Old World - Empire of Man - State Missile Troops
The Old World - Empire of Man - Empire State Troops
LOTR Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game - Wulf™, High Lord of the Hill Tribes et General Targg™
LOTR Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game - Haleth™ & Háma™, Princes of Rohan™
LOTR Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game - Rohan Stronghold
Astra Militarum - Set d'Armée Death Korps de Krieg (FRA)
WH40K - Battlefield Trophies
Warhammer : The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness (ENG)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Récupérateurs Âtrekogs (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Frelons Vespides (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Parenté d'Exorôdeurs (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Main de l'Archonte (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Cercle Hiérotek (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Escouade d'Exaction (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Sapeurs de la Marine Impériale (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Aquilons du Tempestus (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Death Korps (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Ravageurs Affregors (FRA)
Kill Team - Cartes Techniques Anges de la Mort (FRA)
Kill Team - Hearthkyn Salvagers NEW
Kill Team - Farstalker Kinband NEW
Kill Team - Vespid Stingwings
Kill Team - Hand of the Archon NEW
Kill Team - Hierotek Circle
Kill Team - Exaction Squad NEW
Kill Team - Imperial Navy Breachers NEW